On Saturday we went to a birthday party at the Mollala Train Park. We had SO MUCH FUN!

Some of the fun little trains!

Chris was going to take both kids on the train, but Sienna got scared and got off and helped me take pictures.

And, they're off!

While we were following their train around the park, this little "Thomas" train drove by us...how cute!

After the boys were done, Sienna decided to go for a ride. I wasn't going to go for a ride because I was wearing a skirt (I was going to a bridal shower after the b-day party), but I changed my mind and took Sienna on her train ride. She was still a bit frightened (kids have to sit on a bench or on the floor, not on your lap), so she wanted to hold my hand. :)

What fun! Oh, and the train is open every Sunday (May-October) and is FREE! All they ask for is a donation. I can't wait to go back!
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