Friday, August 06, 2010

Legacy Park & Murase Park!

Legacy Park!!!
At the end of June, we met my good friend, Catrina, and her 2 kiddos at a park for one last playdate. After 6 years in Portland, it was time for them to move back to humid Oklahoma. Just in case you don't remember, I met Catrina at Gymboree in January 2007. I'm not sure how it all started, but we quickly became friends when we found out that not only were our boys only 1 month apart, but we were both due with our second babies in June. A few months later, we both found out that we were having girls, who ended up being born 12 days apart. We will certainly miss the Edgar family...I'm not sure I would have survived the last 3 years without Catrina!
Teeter-Totter fun! I wanted to ask the random girl in front of Brayden to get off so that I could take a picture, but I didn't think that would go over very well. :P

Water break! It was so hot that all the kids had red cheeks and were guzzling their water!
The kids were still pretty hot when we left the park, so we stopped by McDonald's to buy 2 vanilla cones for $1! I thought they were going to be small cones, but they were regular size! The kids were very happy, but I made them eat them outside when we got home!
Murase Park!!!
The next day, we met my bible study group for some fun at a water park in Wilsonville. It was our first time to Murase Park, and it was absolutely packed, but it was still loads of fun!


Catrina said...

Looks like you guys are enjoying your summer! Miss you!