Yesterday was Sienna's 1st birthday party...only 18 days after her real birthday! I was so excited that it was supposed to be in the upper 80's/low 90's for her party. For those of you who know me well, you know how much I hate to have a messy/dirty outside party was the perfect solution. I started checking the weather forecast every day and every day the high temperature kept getting higher and higher! Ugh! Even once the forecast reached a high temperature of 98 degrees, I somehow convinced myself that since the party was early, it would still be comfortable outside. Well, as soon as we stepped outside around 7am, I quickly realized that having an outside party was out of the question. The high temperature yesterday ended up at 101 felt like a sauna! Ugh!
The original plan was to have a very small party. Well, as it turns out, it is nearly impossible to have a small party once you invite your family, close friends, and their spouses and kids! We ended up having 17 adults, 13 kids & 1 baby attend Sienna's party. Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of everyone...I'm not even sure what I was even doing during the entire ordeal! Just kidding! I am pretty sure that everyone had fun, despite the heat.
Brayden and Wyatt braved the scorching heat outside long enough to look through the window at all of the smart people who stayed inside! haha! More brave kids...and Leslie!
Uncle Scott tormenting Brayden, as usual!
Grandma Boley with Brian & Jack (our nephews).
Grandpa & Grandma Macnab and Great Grandma Hewitt....all very smart to stay inside the air conditioned house!
Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that this is actually my second crown cake. I made a practice cake for Sienna's real birthday! I am pretty sure that this cake turned out better than my first attempt...although I think that they both turned out pretty darn good considering I've never done anything like this before. Now the question is...will I ever do this again? Well, that I'm just not sure about!
On Sienna's real birthday, we gave her the crown cake to play with but she didn't even want to touch it! Sienna was definitely more interested in touching the cake the 2nd time around....she wouldn't even look up for a picture with me!
Brayden, Chris, Sienna and me...our first non-professional family picture since we were at the hospital the day Sienna was born! Love that look, Brayden! haha!
Sienna absolutely did NOT want to wear her princess crown!
This time we gave her a cupcake to destroy...we thought that it would be less intimidating than the big cake. Apparently she just doesn't have a sweet tooth like her daddy and brother!